Teton Gravity Research: Why I'll Eat Beans 'n Rice for Wagner Custom Skis
This article was written for Teton Gravity Research by Hannah Clayton
Originally Published October 10, 2016
"There are skis and there are skis, and Wagner makes the latter. The 40 years young Mechanical Engineering grad began his career designing high-tech custom golf clubs. Allowed to work remotely, Wagner chose to hunker down in Telluride, but in doing so, his attention drifted to skiing. Golf got the boot, and he spent the next seven years developing more than 300,000 lines of code for what would become Wagner’s Skier DNA Software.
Wagner’s software effectively flipped the bird at mass producing soulless skis. By 2001, he had cracked ski-making (his secret: analyze the individual) and took his software to the handful of big name ski companies out there."...